Friday, September 29, 2006
"It's Just Another Manic Monday..."
Well actually No, it appears it's going to be a Random Friday!
I have a bunch of things I want to write about but non of them feel strong enough to stand as their own post, so I guess I'll just combine them all together.
I'm kinda feeling like I might want to change my template for my blog again. I don't know, I may bat that idea around a bit before I do anything drastic.
Went to Volleyball this morning. Second time I've played since hurting my arm back in July. (Well actually it's the third time, but the first time doesn't really count I was only using one arm). Today went really well. Two weeks ago when I went I played hard and about half way through my right arm was starting ache a bit so I thought I'd try to take it easy the rest of the time. Today my once injured arm hardly even crossed my mind. I played well, got some pretty good serves in and my arm didn't start to ache at all. I really love to go play volleyball, and getting those good serves and sets and spikes in just feels sooo good. It's probably my competitive side coming through a little. But I find myself being really self-conscious while playing. I find myself feeling fat and clutzy, which in turns makes me play bad which just leads to a viscious cycle of playing more badly. I need some good workout clothes I think. Something that I feel comfortable in without feeling like I'm wearing pajamas.
I also had the chance to visit with one gal for a bit. She's a photography nut like I am and just got home from a trip to St. Louis. She was telling me she was looking for a way to make a digital scrapbook of the pictures she took on her trip. I told her about and she seemed really excited about it.
Speaking of taking pictures. Yesterday after dropping W off at Preschool Sy and I walked around the mall. Just out of curiousity I went into Ritz camera to ask them about the Minolta 7D Digital SLR camera. I had been keeping my eye on that model for awhile and I wanted confirmation that the lenses I have on my film minolta SLR would work on the digital. He immediately informed me that they didn't sell that camera anymore as Minolta had been bought out by Sony. But he did show me the new Sony Alpha which is almost completely based on Minolta's technology and design. It was so awesome! 10 MP. An amazing autofocus, quick like a cat picture taking I was so immediately in love. "Someday, my prince will come..."
Speaking of Preschool. W has been doing really well. It seems like on every Thursday the teacher tells me that he has run up to her near the end of class and whispered in her ear "I want to do the whole day again!". The teacher thinks it's so cute, and I think it is too, he really loves going to preschool. This past Tuesday I took him to class just like any other day. We were walking along the parking lot when W had discovered this black piece of plastic. An old wiretie or something. He wanted to pick it up. I asked him to not pick it up and gave him some pretty good reasons why, so I thought. He of course then REALLY wanted to pick it up. I put my foot over it. He started to cry. All the other mom's are walking by with their kids. I quickly picked it up and put it in my back looking for a garbage can. There was one near the front door and I put the thing in the trash. W continued to cry wanting this random piece of trash that had quickly become treasure! I stood between him and the garbage can waiting for him to calm down enough so we could go into the school. Just then the director (principal) of the preschool came out and asked what the problem was. I explained to her the situation. She then turned looked into the trash and pulled out the piece of black plastic. She smiled as she handed it back to my son and said "It doesn't bother me, does it bother you?" YES IT BOTHERS ME! and I told her "yes actually it does". She then replied as I walked into the school "we must pick our battles." Yes, she's right, there are some battles that just aren't worth fighting, but you know what lady, this a battle I picked and therefore I must stand my ground with my son! You just underminded me in front of my son and he will forever think "My teacher is nicer than my mom. She'll give me what I want when she won't". It made me SOO angry that this woman would do that to me. I was hot and bothered for the rest of the day. I told the story to my husband and asked him if I was over reacting. He told me No, I had every right to be mad. I told the other moms at playgroup. They all agreed that I had every reason to be mad. OOOHH!!!! I really want to complain, but guess what she's the one I would be going to complain to. I can just imagine: "I have a complaint." "Yes? Who with?" "Well actually you..." I'm sure that would go over well.
When I got home from volleyball today there was a message blinking on the answering machine. I thought and assumed that it was my husband calling from work. When the message started to play it wasn't a voice I recognized so started to listen more carefully. It was a man from a local delivery company with a shipment for us from Vintage Tubs. We had finally gotten brave enough to order our tub on Sunday and it's already here in Albuquerque. I called the company back it our tub will be delivered on this following Tuesday. Tuesday will be a tight schedule but I'm sure everything will be fine. YAY! Our bathroom remodel is almost finished!
My parents left Washington this morning. They'll spend a few days in Salt Lake with my brother and a day touring Arches National Park and they should hopefully be here on Wednesday. They'll then stay for a whole week. We have plans to go on W's preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch, go down to Carlsbad and see the caves and of course go to Balloon Fiesta. The kids are really excited to have grandma and pap come down for a visit!
Our relief society is doing another cookbook this year. Quite a few people in the ward asked me if I had submitted any of my recipes. They were quite bummed that I didn't. I kinda feel bad about that, but at the same time I don't. It's not that I don't want to share my recipes, I have no problem sharing them with others I know will like them and use them. But to just blindly submit everything I have to a cookbook where who knows will be looking at them felt kinda like casting pearls before swine. Plus, I kinda like the feedback. Besides, most of the recipes that I make were given to my by Christy. Even though she gave me permission to do whatever I wanted with the recipes I just couldn't put them in this mass cookbook. So I guess I'll just tell the people that are bummed that I didn't put anything in that I have no problem sharing my recipes with them individually.
I have the feeling I need to express some tender feelings here. Lately I have really wanted to express some words of thankfulness. I am so thankful for being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are so many reasons and so many levels. I am greatful for the opportunity I had to go to Ricks College. There I made friends with so many wonderful people, women that I am so lucky to have touched my life. I met my wonderful husband there. Because of the church I know that wherever I move I will never have to be lonely. I know there is a built-in network of "family" anywhere I go. Because of the church, we were in a ward in Phoenix that allowed me to become good friends with Christy and her fabulous husband and kids and her sisters (hopefully they think of me as a friends as well). Over the past two years, I have really been struggling, and I am just so glad to have the friends that I have. The friends that I made at Ricks College 8 years ago and haven't seen in person since. But I know that if I'm having a hard time all I need to do is switch on the computer and there will be someone ready and waiting to wrap their virtual arms around me and show how much they love me. So thank you Heather. Thank you April. Thank you Sariah. And Laural, and Julia. And thank you to Claudia who every day has been there online to talk to me when I needed it. And thank you to Christy, who helps me sort out so many questions and dilemnas I have (or think I have). And thank you to the friends I've made through my blog, Karen, and Cara, and Timber, and Joyce, and Alyson, and Sariah in Vancouver. Thank you for your blogs, for the words of comfort you've given to me when you thought you were just writing for you. I don't know how I would have managed these past two years without you all, I'm sure I would have gotten through but you all have made it much easier. I hope I can keep you all in my arsenal over the next years as well.
Thank you.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 9/29/2006 12:57:00 PM :: 10 Comments: ![]()