Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Are you talking to ME?
"You must be talking to me. I don't see anyone else around. So you must be talking to ME!"
I don't know why I had thought that way. Maybe it had something to do with my tomboy childhood days. I played with my brothers and the neighbor boys, I was rough and tough and boys weren't known for handing out compliments. Usually they were handing out insults.
Maybe it was the clothes I wore. Maybe it was my dark brown hair that wouldn't hold a curl for anything. It was straight and it was fine. Maybe it was my freckles. Maybe it was being told I would have big thighs by my grandma and being told I was flat-chested by my "friends" in junior high school. I guess I just always thought beauty lied with being blonde with or without curls, and skin unblemished by freckles.
As I went through high school and college the freckles and big thighs stayed with me. I dated a few guys. There were younger guys that had crushes on me. Was I pretty? NO way. If my self-esteem could have been crushed any more it's when I met my college roommates. I was the only non-blonde in an apartment of 6!
(The 5th blonde was so blonde and beautiful she was never home!)
There was a guy in my ward that could boost anyone's self esteem. Sam. He was a bit overweight but the nicest guy ever. Any time he saw me he would tell me how beautiful I was and give me a huge hug. He was such an awesome guy.
One night after work I just wasn't feeling up to going home and making dinner. I was 8 months pregnant, it was still quite warm outside (it was Phoenix afterall) and just the thought of my husband's "usual" of a chicken breast with some random Cambell's soup poured over the top made me want to heave. I stopped by Papa John's pizza on the way home. I placed my order and took a seat. I was staring out the window into a darkened parking lot just daydreaming. A young family with two little girls broke me out of my reverie. They came in placed their order and walked back out. As they walked along the sidewalk the youngest little girl looked at me through the glass. She then looked up at her mom and I was able to read her lips as she said "Mommy, she's pretty." I could have cried!
Saturday night was our date night. I can't remember the last time we went out on a date. Actually, I can, I blogged about it! We were about due and after the week we had both had we really needed a break.
We went to dinner at Tony Roma's. While sitting at our table, I noticed a table of four to the left and over my hubby's shoulder. Two couples; one younger probably 30's and the other older, probably in their 80's. It was an odd grouping but I assumed the older couple were parents or maybe grandparents of the one of the younger couple.
About half way through our dinner I looked over at the table. The server was going over the desert menu and I didn't want to miss anything. The older gentleman noticed me looking at their table and gave me a funny look, sort of a smile. I wasn't sure what it meant so I looked away, embarrassed that he caught me looking at them.
During our desert their table got up to leave. The next thing I knew the older gentleman was standing next to our table. I didn't have any idea what he was about to say. He leaned in to me and whispered in my ear "You are a beautiful woman!". I immediately blushed, he began to walk away and then turned around, nodded towards my husband and said "You don't have to tell him what I said", then he walked back over and joined his group. The younger woman asked him "Are you flirting with beautiful women again?" He turned back to look at us and shrugged his shoulders with a look that said "Oh well, what can you do?" He then walked away. My husband and I both just about bust a gut! My hubby said "I can't punch a guy with two hearing aids!" through tears of laughter!
I am nowhere near where I would like to be physically. I weigh 20 pounds more than I did before and immediately after my daughter was born, and 30 pounds more than I would ideally like to be. I've been having a really hard time lately and since seeing pictures of myself at my Sister-in-law's wedding in June haven't even wanted to look in the mirror.
This compliment couldn't have come at a better time, and you know what, the fact that he was a man in his 80's made the compliment have more weight. He's been around for awhile, he must know a beautiful woman when he sees one!
I was taught in young women's that one rule of good manners was to accept a compliment when one is given. Nobody likes it when someone argues with them when they have given you a compliment. So I've accepted the compliments that have been given me without argument. Maybe I should start believing them, they might be on to something.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 9/19/2006 06:59:00 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()