Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Glorious September!
This is the time of year we look forward to most around our house. We love the fact that monsoon season is over, the humidity level goes down quite a bit. Our overnight lows are in the 50s and our daytime highs are low 80's. We've already winterized the evaporative cooler and haven't turned on the heater yet. We love that the trees are just barely starting to change color and it causes in us a want to put away shorts and pull out long pants and long sleeves.
But you know what?!? Those are all great and terrific but the reason we look forward to the end of september the most is because it's the end of the Fiscal year at my husband's work! October begins the new fiscal year. His work hands out their yearly bonuses and raises at the end of September that take effect in October. We were expecting to find out soon, and hoping with fingers crossed that it would be a good year. We have debt to pay off from the bathroom remodel! I mean come on! We started hearing rumor's that the raise's and bonuses were pretty good this year, but we didn't know what that meant for us.
Today I sat on the couch while the kids played in the backyard waiting for my hubby to come home from work. I had already started dinner which of course wasn't soon enough for my tired, hungry kids. W thought was going to die of 1. starvation and 2. of an imaginary something in his eye. My hubby finally walked in the door at the time I was about to either start screaming or crying or both. To ease my mood my husband slyly said to me "I have something that might put you in a good mood!" and then handed me a slip of paper. It's THE piece of paper we look forward to every year! The one with the bonus amount and the raise increase percentage! In the past four years a typical pay increase has been between 5-7%. This year was 14%!!! What that means is they increase the previous year's salary by 14% of that year's salary. This is huge for us!
We're totally celebrating, but not rushing out to go buy anything of course. It just feels so good to have a sigh of relief as far as the budget is concerned! I just updated the monthly budget today and felt like crying. We can get the credit cards paid off and then maybe after that I can get a new car. Our little focus is just getting too small. I need a car where there's space between the kids so they can't sit there and torment each other the whole time we're driving!
Best part is November is a three paycheck month!
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 9/26/2006 06:23:00 PM :: 5 Comments: ![]()