Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Throws of Motherhood
Last night "Sy" stayed up with "S" and I while we watched LOST. She ate some popcorn with me. When LOST was over, "S" went to bed, and I went to put "Sy" to bed in her crib before I hit the sack as well.
All was calm, all was quiet. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. That is, until, I awoke at 1:15am to "Sy" crying. I laid there for a minute hoping she would find her binky and then go back to sleep. (Its never happened before, but at least I could hope). She started to get more and more upset, I got out of bed, expecting that she had lost her binky between the crib and the wall. As I walk into the bedroom I was knocked over by a horrific smell. I look at "Sy"'s crib to see that she had thrown up.
There was throw up on the sheets, on her new quilt, and on her. I had just gone through the same thing a couple of months ago, so I got down to action. "Sy" is screaming and crying hysterically, I strip off her pajamas and wipe her down with a washcloth. I noticed that the smell had come with her. I checked her diaper; yep, she was stinky there too.
So while she's still in just a diaper, and crying superloud, I started to strip down her bed. Rinse everything off before throwing it into the washing machine, and then putting new bedding in her crib.
By this point "W" had woken up and he was giving commentary from the top of his bunk-bed of his view of the situation down below. "Sy" is still crying "Bloody Murder". Now that the blankets are being washed in the washing machine, the crib has new clean bedding in it, it was time to get Sydnie all remade for bed. She is so upset she won't even walk across the room to me. I have to pick her up and walk over and lay her down on the floor for the diaper changing process.
I soon had her diaper changed, and dressed in new pajamas. I lay her down in her crib, push the PLAY button on the cd player for their nighttime music and close the door as I walk out. I walk back into my room and crash into my bed.
It's now 1:45am. I was just about to fall back into dreamland when "W" starts crying for DADDY! I know "S"'s awake because I just gave him a detailed account of everything that just happened in their bedroom, but I get up anyway. "W" lays there on the floor refusing to get up, crying for DADDY! Somehow I finally convinced him to climb back up the ladder into his bed and go to sleep. I then zombie-like walked back into my room and fall onto my pillow.
The next thing I know "S" is kissing me goodbye at 5:45am. I fall back asleep to "W" crying for Daddy at 6:05am. I go in and get him and bring him back into my bed where he falls back asleep. He had a dream that "Sy" took something away from him. He was yelling outloud in his sleep for "Sy" to give it back to him. He then settled back to sleep and slept till 7:45am. It is 10:30am, "Sy" is still sleeping. The last time she woke up to throwing up all over herself, thats all it was. She wasn't sick the next day too, I think she had just had an upset stomach. I am hoping that when she wakes up, today will be the same.
I very much don't enjoy the "throws" of motherhood.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 1/12/2006 10:15:00 AM :: 7 Comments: ![]()