Friday, January 13, 2006
The Number Connection
Heard of the Rainbow Connection? This is the Number Connection.
While we were dating (long distance). (With us, we didn't START dating TILL he was in Arizona and I was still in Idaho. Once we were dating in person, we were actually engaged). One night while up late on the phone, "S" told me that he would often wake up at 2:22am, and think of me.
He told me of a mission companion he had, that had created a secret number connection with his girlfriend "home waiting" for him. Every time they saw the clock and the numbers were all the same, they were supposed to think of each other.
So we started the same thing. Since I was in Idaho, and he was in Arizona and we could only talk on the phone in the evenings, we committed to each other that we would think of each other when we saw "same numbers". Examples would be 1:11am, 2:22am, 3:33am, 4:44am, 5:55am, 10:10am, 11:11am, 12:12pm. (Of course, Military time opens the game up even more, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15, 16:16, 17:17, 18:18, 19:19, 20:20, 21:21, and my personal favorite 22:22)
Its a funny thing about this game, I began, always being surprised when I would look down at the clock and see 2:22pm. But after awhile I think my mind became attuned to it. I would find myself seeing those number connections much more often. Every time I would see it, it would bring a smile to my face and I would think about why I love him, or hope that he saw it at the same time I did and that he was thinking of me too.
The day before we were to fly up to Washington for our Wedding, we were driving around Phoenix. We took pictures of my odometer in my '76 Ford Pinto when it reached 99,999, and when it was 00,000 when it reset.
Even after we were married, we'd continue to play this game. While we were at work, if we saw the number connection we'd quickly email each other. Even now, as a mom, I always check the clock when the baby cries, thats probably a mom thing, have to know how long the baby slept straight, but if I see a number connection I think of him, even if he's just asleep in the other room.
The numbers connection game didn't end when we got married. In fact, it just increased in the difficulty level of the game.
Our Wedding Day and each of our children's birthdays; they all worked out with a special number connection in our minds.
Special Dates in our family are also special number connections. When we were married, "S" said it was the perfect day, there was no way we could ever forget how long we would be married.
When "W" was born, we joked to ourselves how we have this weird thing with numbers.
When "Sy" was born, "S" pointed it out to me immediately. I was drugged up, so I just rolled my eyes, and smiled.
This all came to mind yesterday as I was sitting at the computer IMing with Sariah. I looked down and saw it was 2:22pm. (Master of Mayhem was actually posted at that time as well). I immediately thought of "S", and hoped he was thinking of me too. And then I realized that I had to write about our number connection.
I know it may seem silly, but I was actually tearing up as I was writing this, "S" walked in from his quartet practice and asked who I was writing to. I made him sit down and read what I had written to this point so I could wipe away my tears. I'm a silly little girl thats still in love.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 1/13/2006 11:11:00 AM :: 6 Comments: ![]()