Life of an Albuquerque Mommy

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Throw Me a Life Preserver Please!

We're drowning over here! Seriously. There are parts of Albuquerque that have received over 9 inches of rain just in the month of August alone. Gotta love those Monsoons. They're micro-cells so one part of town could be perfectly clear skies and the other side of town will get a deluge of rain. This month we've been on the drier side of town. All the rain has been focusing on the East side of town closest to the Sandia Mountains.

The entire state has been under a constant flash flood warning almost every day. The soil is so water-logged and some of these storms dump so much so quickly the water doesn't have anywhere to go. Some towns after storms have looked like New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. It's been nuts.

There have been roads washed away, mudslides wiping out roads and cars. Cars getting stuck in flooded streets, every night there has been one news story or another that's been weather-related. It's been really humid and our backyard has been over-run with fleas. Kinda yucky.

On the upside we've hardly had to run the sprinkler system for our plants! Here is a picture of our front yard. It looks a little piddly but those little plants will be much bigger next year.

This summer we have seen the longest bloom on our Crape Mertle tree EVER! Usually it will start to bloom end of june/early july and be done by middle of July. This year it's been blooming non-stop since mid-june and here it is nearly September. Apparently all it needs is a lot of rain and cooler temperatures!

This was the sight when I walked in the front door after taking the pictures of my front yard. I couldn't resist putting it up too. It was just too funny.

I would put up some pictures of the backyard but it's about to rain but the sun is still shining so it's creating a weird light and we just thinned out the beds and some flowers are really overgrown so aren't that pretty anymore. The beds are mostly zinnias of all colors right now.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 8/24/2006 03:59:00 PM :: 3 Comments:

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