Friday, January 20, 2006
Like any other day
So every friday, I go to the church to play volleyball with other women from church. Its a lot of fun, not very serious, but we enjoy each others company, and the feeling of competition that comes.
Every friday I go, and like every friday its a battle to get "W" to leave, he has too much fun playing in the nursery, etc. Today was no different. I walked into the nursery to get him, he starts to walk out with me, but then "Sy" walks in, I get "Sy", and "W" takes off down the hallway. Everyone else has already left the building, so I figure, I'll put "Sy" out in her car seat, have my friend who was loading up her daughter just stay in the parking lot while I went back in to get "W". I get to the door and discover its locked! I can't get in the building. "W" is having a great time, thinking its totally hilarious that I can't come in to get him.
After 10 minutes of waiting for him to come back to the door, but he running away laughing every time I try to ask him to open the door, I figure, I'll just pull the truck around the edge of the building so he can't see me anymore. I knocked on the nursery window which is where I knew he was. I hide around the corner, and my friend waits for him to come back to the door. She tells him that I left, that I took "Sy" home, she directs him how to open the door and then holds him as I come around the corner. I went back in to turn off all the lights and get his coat while my friend is chasing him around the parking lot and finally wrestling him to the ground and loads him into his seat in the truck.
This is my doom. A strong-willed, could care less if I'm there, doesn't listen to a word I say little boy. I know this is my curse, this is my lot in life. I better get used to it now...
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 1/20/2006 11:28:00 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()