Thursday, December 22, 2005
Partners in Crime
You've probably been wondering where I have been. I have never gone this long between postings. Apart from the obvious reason; A few days before Christmas, there have been a few. I've been up super late every night for the past few weeks trying to finish up projects for Christmas. I'm making a quilt for "Sy", that has taken up a lot of my time. But the main reason for my hiatus is this: My two little toddlers are getting along. No more fighting, crying or screaming between the two of them. I know, you may be thinking, how is that a BAD thing. From the way I've been talking for the past few months you think I would be singing Halleluhah. Ya well guess again.
"W" and "Sy" are getting along. They've become partners in crime! No longer is it just "W" beating up on his little sister, oh no, they've discovered a new way to spend their time. TeAm Up tO MAke mOm INSANE!!!
These past few weeks have been quite crazy. Pretty much since the time change occurred the end of October its been really hard to get "W" to go to bed at his normal bedtime of 6:30pm. It keeps getting pushed back farther and farther. The good thing about that has been that he's been sleeping in, the bad side is I don't get to start on the normal things that I do after he's gone to bed. Pick up the house, do the dishes, and then after the house has been cleaned work on my little projects. This in turn means that the house keeps finding itself getting messier and messier, I am staying up later and later, which means my patience gets shorter. (funny, my web address for my blog is 'the art of patience').
I've been busy, and I know that. I feel guilty for not writing much lately. But I believe after you hear about the most recent event that the two toddler criminals have committed just a few short minutes ago you will understand.
"W" and "Sy" were all dressed. I went into my bedroom to get changed from my pajamas so I could make a quick run to the UPS store to use their fax machine. I got dressed, walked out of my bedroom into the living room to see those two sitting in the middle of the floor. Next to them was an empty bag of frozen corn, and spread throughout the entire living room was frozen corn quickly defrosting. "W" has discovered how to open the freezer door. (We have a fridge/freezer with the freezer at the bottom). He has been getting into the freezer lately. Tuesday I came home from the grocery store and started unloading things. As soon as I turned around "W" had opened the freezer and pulled out a box of Banquet frozen breaded chicken strips. Opened the box and started eating them. FROZEN! Today, it was a bag of frozen corn. And I'm not talking a normal size bag of corn, I'm talking a family size super jumbo size bag of corn. He started nibbling on it, showed "Sy" was it was all about and then they dumped the bag out in the middle of the floor.
I tried to stay calm. I didn't yell, I didn't say anything. I quickly (and calmly!) walked over the vacuum and plugged it in. I turned it on and began to vacuum the corn up off the carpet. That wasn't good enough for my little hoodlems, they started picking up corn and throwing it at the vacuum. Or picking it up, putting it in their mouths, chewing it a little, and then spitting it out in front of the vacuum. Thats when I lost it. I turned off the vacuum, picked up "Sy" and put her in her crib. Then I picked up "W" and put him in his bedroom. I finished vacuuming up the corn. Which had defrosted by now, so as the vacuum ran over it, it would break up, and spread out more. Theres a big wet spot in the carpet where the bag had been dumped out originally, I can't figure out if it is from the ice crystals or the corn. If its from the corn, its gonna become a nice sticky crinklely, crusty spot I'm sure.
After most of the corn had been vacuumed up, I turned off the vacuum and sat down to write this post. I need to decompress before I can go in and bring those two little troublemakers out of their rooms.
As soon as I hit Publish Post I will get the two out of their rooms. We will get loaded up in the truck, go to the UPS store to send the fax and then we're gonna go to Home Depot and look for a big heavy duty magnet (two at each end of a rope) in order to keep the freezer door shut!
(Oh and in case you think my kids are yelling, screaming and crying in the background right now. They're not. "W" has found a few cars that interest him, and "Sy" keeps calling out to see if "W" or I will answer. They're both perfectly happy right now.)
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 12/22/2005 11:48:00 AM :: 8 Comments: ![]()