Saturday, August 13, 2005
Well Check-ups
(originally posted on fishbowlinsider yahoo!group 8/13/05)
I love taking my kids to their doctor for their well check-ups. My daughter just had her 12 month check-up on thursday. Which is what made me remember that I like them. I think what I like about it is seeing how much they've grown, comparing with the nurse that they're meeting all their milestones, and see how they measure up on the percentile chart. If they've slowed down or sped up in their growth. On Thursday "Sy" weighed 21 pounds 2 oz and measured 31 inches long. On the chart that meant she was 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. She's slowed down a bit. At her 9 month check-up she was 75th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height.
My son never had a problem at the doctors office, he loved the doctor and hardly ever cried when he got shots, My daughter on the other hand is much different. She cries the whole time the doctor looks her over and cries even more when she gets her shots. It makes me feel so sad for her. But on the other side, I get the best hugs from her afterwards...
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 8/13/2005 10:16:00 PM :: 0 Comments: ![]()