Monday, October 23, 2006
Attention! Vacant Position open for quick placement!Location: Albuquerque, NMBase Pay: N/A
Employee Type: TemporaryIndustry: ArtsManages Others: no, only yourselfJob Type: Attend "Phantom of the Opera" ConcertReq'd Education: Some Music Appreciation background encouraged but not required
Req'd Experience: Knowing me since Ricks would be nice but not required, just wanting to go is good enough.Req'd Travel: Get yourself here!
Relocation Covered: I would if I could but I can'tDescription: "Phantom of the Opera is on tour and will be here in Albuquerque, NM for a short engagement. October 28th-November 18th. I wish to attend at least one performance with a close friend that would appreciate it, more than likely female.Job Description: Wish that you could attend and pretend like you are putting forth every effort you can to WANT to attend. Make me feel like you really would if you could. Make your performance believable.Closing Date for position application: November 17th, 2006.EDIT: It actually runs through November 18th. There are 32 performances, but it's been advertised for 2 months already, to see what nights are still available click here. Then click on the blue dates on the calendar on the right.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 10/23/2006 09:15:00 AM :: 11 Comments: ![]()
Friday, October 20, 2006
Bats and Pumpkins
While my parents were here visiting we went to the pumpkin patch for my son's field trip with his preschool. I posted pictures of it on my flickr page. We also took a few days and went down to Carlsbad Caverns. I didn't take pictures there but my mom did. You can see them here.
It was an interesting trip, with my 24 year old brother who is claustrophobic and a two year old toddler that wanted to walk "by herself" and a four year old that wanted grandma to take a picture of every single thing he saw.
We went to the cave at dusk to see the bats fly out for their evening meal. It was really cool, too bad they didn't tell us that it would last over an hour, we weren't allowed to have cameras, cell phones, or video cameras on, and we had to be absolutely quiet.
So I have no photographer evidence of the bats leaving their caves, and we didn't even get to see it to the end. My little two year old was really having a hard time with the whole whispering thing. It was cute except for all the dirty looks we received from those sitting around us.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 10/20/2006 09:21:00 AM :: 7 Comments: ![]()
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Puzzle Mania
Try your hand at a few puzzles. Featuring photographs by ME!We didn't make it to balloon fiesta this year so the balloon pictures are a few years old.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 10/17/2006 05:38:00 PM :: 8 Comments: ![]()
Monday, October 16, 2006
No. Nada. Nothing. Nought. None. Nil. Nix. Null. Zero. Zippo. Zilch. Zip. Cero. Diddly. Empty. Goose Egg. Void. Bare. Plain. Spotless. Squat. Hollow. Vacant. Abyss. Cavity. Hole. Devoid. Missing. Minus. Bleak. Desert.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 10/16/2006 09:16:00 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Calls and Releases
My Bishop just called.
I've been released from my calling as Ward Music Chairperson.
This coming January will be 2 years in that calling. I will be officially released this coming Sunday. Although I've enjoyed it immensely; introducing unfamiliar hymns to the congregation and more instrumental musical numbers rather than vocal; I have found myself starting to get a bit burned out. Topics for the talks are starting to circle back around, I've used a few of the same hymns now. Even though I am a bit ready to be released I find my self feeling a little sad to leave this calling. It's my first music related calling I've ever had. (Not counting the two months were I was the ward choir director! YIKES!) And it just felt so good to have a calling related to my background. My husband even though he probably wouldn't admit it openly enjoyed my having this calling as well because it gave him the opportunity to play organ every once in awhile. I'll have to meet with the new music chairperson sometime this next week to help him get into the swing of things.
In the same breath that was used to extend my release I was also extended a call for a different position in the ward. I have been called as the Relief Society Historian. Ya. I know. I've never heard of that calling before either! From what little information I gathered from the bishop it sounds like it will be a combination of a blog, a newsletter, and a scrapbook. Including brief summaries of the lessons from sunday. There was mention of birth announcements, I think that would probably open up to include announcement and intro of new families that move into the ward and maybe announcment of new baptisms. Pictures taken at the different activities including volleyball, tennis, playgroup, mid-week activity, and Enrichment night. I could probably broaden that to include ward parties including the pumpkin carving party this weekend and the ward trunk-or-treat on Halloween night. The christmas party and different socials at the park. This should definitely be a fun an exciting project to take on. It sounds like a monumentous task but I think I'm up for it. I don't know if this going to be a weekly publication or a end of the year scrapbook or something inbetween. The idea of the photo books came floating to the forefront of my mind...The bishop mentioned pictures, and computer. Do they want me to create a website? Or would it be more like my Music Alumni Newsletter but on a weekly basis? I have no idea! I should be sustained into this calling also this sunday. But possibly not until the 22nd. And of course I'll have to talk with the Relief Society Presidency and see exactly what they had in mind.
I'm feeling a little unqualified for this calling but don't we all when receiving any new calling? Wish me luck and if you have any suggestions or ideas I'm willing to hear them. Does your ward have a calling like this?
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 10/12/2006 11:25:00 AM :: 7 Comments: ![]()