Tuesday, February 14, 2006
1st Valentine's Day
Our first Valentine's Day occurred during our engagement, February 14th, 2000. We were engaged on Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 1999. I moved to Phoenix Thanksgiving weekend, 1999. I lived in my apartment, and he lived in his. I went to work, he went to school. In the evenings we'd spend time together. One cold night in December I was over at his apartment and we were watching tv. I was a little chilly and had forgotten to bring my coat, so he had lent me a sweater. This oversized, bright orange sweater. His sisters had given it to him for Christmas a few years before. It was oversized, it was comfy, and it smelled like him. I loved it! I wore it as I drove myself home, and I planned on keeping it. We were getting married in a few months anyway, it would be back in the same closet soon enough I thought. I loved wearing it at nighttime.
A few weeks later, I believe it was in January, he was over at my apartment. There was no television in my apartment, so we just hung out and talked. One point during the evening he went into my bedroom and got his sweater out of my closet, and then later had taken it home. I was shocked. Why did he do that? It would be back in his closet soon enough.
Valentine's Day was approaching. But so was our wedding day. 2 1/2 weeks after Valentine's Day in fact. We decided we wouldn't do anything big and special for Valentine's Day, and that we would save our money for traveling up to Washington for the wedding. When asked at work if we had any big plans, our answer was, "no, our wedding is in two weeks, thats big enough right now." Just because we weren't planning on buying anything for each other didn't mean we still couldn't give each other anything. I spent the whole day at work making a homemade card. So later that night when I went over to his apartment, I was surprised that there was a wrapped Valentine's Day gift for me. I looked at him in shock. I thought we weren't buying anything.
He had me open the gift. Inside the beautifully wrapped box was the oversized, orange sweater he had reclaimed from my closet. I looked at it, then at him with a questioning look. He said "isn't it so much more special when I give it to you?"
Every year since then, people ask us what we have planned for Valentine's Day. Its become normal for us to just say, "our anniversary is in 2 weeks, we don't do anything big for Valentine's day and just save it for our anniversary." We don't let the day go by unnoticed though, its just we're not ones for a huge celebration. We give each other cards, sometimes I will get flowers. One year we both gave each other a DVD.
So here's to another Valentine's Day to remind us our anniversary is only two and a half weeks away.
Posted by ABQ Mom :: 2/14/2006 06:55:00 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()